Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1st day of pre-op at MDACC done!

So, I am home tonight, utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally.  What a day!!!  Had to drive to Houston last night so that we could take the 6am shuttle from our hotel to MDACC for my first of four appts. today which started at 7:15am.   I am not a morning person, people!!!  It was sheer will that got me through this day.  NO caffeine because I can't have any due to my SVT.......that is a story for another day!  

To make a long story short....I had bloodwork, EKG, chest x-rays, and a consult with my surgical oncologist today.  He is a hoot.  I really dig him.  He knows his shizat and is confident of himself and his surgical ability, he is a lot sarcastic (which I love), has a biting sense of humor and he pretty much just tells it like it sugar coating is what it is.   Yep, he is a pretty good match for good ol' Moonbeam.    I hate doctors who just dance around an issue or won't tell you the complete truth because they think  you are too fragile to know it. 

My truth is so far......I have colon cancer.  I must have disection and resection of my colon stat.  I may or may not have to have chemo or radiation. I may or may not have to have a temporary colostomy.   I WILL have a really cool scar after it is all said and done that will run almost the entire length of my abdomen.  My recovery will be at least 3 months and that is if I don't have chemo.    And, I will have regular visits to MDACC for the rest of my life.  God willing, it will be a LONG ONE!!!!!!!! 

I did meet some interesting people today.  Everyone is so friendly.  There are people from  literally EVERYWHERE!!!  From all over the US and from abroad at MDACC getting treatment.  I met  an older couple from Mesquite, TX.  He is in a clinical trial and he is doing much better and they feel like he is getting the drug and not the placebo since he is having such great results.   Another couple I met this morning are from Gun Barrel CIty, TX.  He just got his diagnosis today. He, like me, is just beginning his journey.  Another friendly little man asked if he could sit next to me and he struck up a conversation with ME.  He was from South/Central Illinois.  His battle began earlier this month and boy was he a talkative chap.  Such a sweet spirit, that one! 

We only have short conversations but long enough to learn their names, where they are from and what type of cancer they are battling.  We are all battling cancer so that is our common bond.   This thing called cancer inexplicably connects us all together spiritually and believe me, we feel it.  We do whatever we can to help one another and lift each other's spirits, make each other laugh or smile, give each other hugs, and words of encouragement.  It is a very healing experience.

So, tomorrow, Mama and I are off again to Houston to spend the night so we can finish up my pre-op stuff Friday.  Back home for Saturday which will be busy because I am spending the ENTIRE day with  Jared putting up our Christmas tree and lights outside and giving him lots of extra hugs, kisses and I love you's.  This way he can concentrate on Christmas and all of those happy thoughts while I am in Houston having surgery and recuperating!!!  

Monday is surgery day!!!!  (big sigh)   Ready or not!!!!!  Take a deep breath, this is really happening and HERE WE GO........................let's do this!



  1. Thanks so much for sharing Melanie! You have so many friends who are behind you and love you! I know that this will be a long journey, but I have all the faith in the world that you will succeed and beat this thing!!

  2. Hang tough, Kiddo! You are amazing. Love ya lots!

    Jan Dobbs Barton

  3. Thanks Mel for including us in your journey! Just remember you have love and support from the Class of '85! God is carrying you in his arms every step of the way!
