Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chest Port Surgery and 2nd chemo treatment! (1/31/2011)

Yes, it is another surgical procedure, but I am finally getting the PICC line out of my arm so I am happy!!!!

This contraption was added so that they could utilize the PICC line for my chest port surgery before removing it.   I thought it looked kinda cool!

And here is my precious Mama.   She was right there with me, as always.  I love you, Mama!   What is that black brace on her arm, you ask?   Well, that is a brace helping her to heal from breaking her wrist at Christmas.  Ah, and I will be posting more about that later.  She was such a trooper.  We were a pair during this time, let me tell you!!!  :)

The finished product pre-chemo.   I had the surgical procedure in the morning and went for chemo that afternoon.   The surgeon, Dr. Brown, had already accessed the port during surgery and covered it so that it would be stable for my second treatment (the first with the chest port).  You can see in between the bandages a little purple line.   That purple line is the catheter which runs from my chest just below my collar bone/clavicle up into my jugular vein and then continues onto just above the opening to my heart.

This is me, my new chest port and hooked up to my chemo.   Again, another long day. 

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