Monday, June 20, 2011

THE DEMON BED!!!!!!!!!

After surgery and after getting to my room, I was settling into my hospital bed and getting used to my pain pump of which I loved.....this beautiful invention of a pain pump of which I could self administer my pain meds through my i.v. every eight minutes by simply pushing a button.  Had great nurses and hospital staff on that night that were very attentive.  My mother was with me and ready for the long haul.  Awesome right?

My surgeons were more than happy with the outcome of my surgery and even more happy with my progress after surgery.  They couldn't believe how well I came through the surgery and how I well I was recovering after surgery.  Again......awesome right???

It only took about 30 minutes to realize that I was laying on A DEMON BED!!!!!!!

This bed actually either inflated or deflated at specific points up and down my entire body EVERY FIVE SECONDS.   I am not kidding......every FIVE seconds.  There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in one day.  I spent five days in the hospital which means, this demon bed actually inflated and deflated enough times to make any sane person crazy!!!  No, I didn't get bed sores but I could've easily shot this bed if I had had  a gun!!!  Yes, I said it!   :)

Every time I had to get up to use the bathroom (which was often because of all of the i.v. fluids going into me), I had to push and pull myself up to the side of the bed. which even with the help of my Mama, took me almost a half a minute to a minute to negotiate. What did the Demon Bed do each and EVERY time I did this, you ask?   Well, let me tell you.  It would inflate and deflate in all the wrong places.   You could hear it inflating and deflating as if it was taking great pleasure in torturing me!!  HAHA   Trust me, it wasn't funny at the time, at least to me.  I think my Mama and the nurses got a kick out me and the Demon Bed from time to time.   :)    

Sufficith to say, I was never so glad to get out of that Demon Bed and come home.  I even took a picture of that bed for posterity's sake.  You will see that in my pics from the colosn resection surgery.  

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