Friday, December 3, 2010

Final pre-op visit today!

My mom and I are two weary travelers this evening.   We thought we were going to be home "early" today, say like right after lunch.   NOT!!!   The reason is that I had to have some extra x-rays today after my extremely thorough Anesthesia Consult.  Wow.......we were IMPRESSED!!!!  After the consult, my mom and I felt so much more at ease about the surgery.   One of the most experienced Anesthesiologists came in to meet us and he, without prompting, told us that my surgical oncologist was an excellent surgeon.  He said that he had worked with Dr. Feig for years and he has had only on a very rare occasion any complications with surgery or anesthesia.  WHEW!!!!!  What a relief that was to hear!!!

I received all of my instructions, the time to report to the hospital which is BEFORE DAYLIGHT!! They won't have to give me much sedation because I will still be asleep!!  HAHA   

I am feeling good about the surgery.   I am feeling hopeful about the outcome.   I am still praying hard and would appreciate all of you to continue praying for not only me but my son, Jared, and my family.  WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS!!!!

I also got my colon cancer paraphanelia in today.  It includes car magnets and bracelets.   My 71 year old,  precious Daddy is wearing a "Cancer Sucks" blue bracelet on his wrist!  I was amazed he even agreed to put it on.  This made me smile.  I got a car magnet which is in the shape of a blue ribbon (colon cancer) for all of my siblings.  I also got small car magnets for me:  leukemia (orange), brain cancer (gray), liver cancer (green), melanoma (black), and pancreatic cancer (purple).    

Why you ask?? 

Colon cancer is for me, obviously.  

My baby brother Jeffery, was diagnosed with leukemia (ALL) when he was 17 years old.  He was up against some really tough odds but he won his battle.  He is fourteen years out in remission!!!!  They said he would never become a father because of all of his chemo but by the grace of God, he is the proud father of three beautiful daughters and a son is on the way!!!!  My brother Brad said it best recently.   Brad wrote: "My brother Jeff was almost lost to us because of leukemia a few years back. Even with death breathing down his neck, he never gave up and never became negative because of it."  Jeffery is an inspiration because he remained the utmost optimist throughout a long 2 year battle with an acute form of leukemia that could have easily killed him.   And he is still an optimist!

My beautiful cousin, Melissa Rene', was diagnosed with brain cancer one month after she graduated from college.  She battled hard for almost eight years.  Her doctors only gave her six months to live when they diagnosed her originally. Boy, was she a fighter!!!  She lost her fight with brain cancer just one month after she turned 33.  I miss her so much!  It still hurts to this day to know she isn't on this earth anymore.  Do you know that I never, and I mean NEVER, heard her complain about her cancer, her not feeling well, her losing all of her hair, etc.   SHE ALWAYS HAD A SMILE ON HER FACE!!!!  When people would ask her how she was feeling, she would say "With my fingers and toes, and you?"  She handled herself with such grace throughout her entire ordeal.  I know she must have had the same thoughts cross her mind that have crossed my mind.  I know she had to have been scared out of her mind at times and she had to have cried and had her breakdown moments.....just like me.    I know this.......NOW.   I aspire to be like Missy.  What an incredible example she set for me.   I can only hope to be as graceful, strong and determined as she throughout my own journey.

Sam, a very dear friend of mine, died last year on my birthday.   He lost his battle with liver cancer.  On that day, he was surrounded by his wife, children, grandchildren and close friends at home, just like he wanted.  He was a man's man to the end.  More than that, he was an incredibly loving, loyal and faithful husband, father, grandfather and friend.  And oh, that laugh of his!!!!  Contagious, I tell ya!  HE was the epitomy of strength and dignity. 

Kim, my favorite sister-in-law, is currently battling melanoma.   This chick, let me tell you is nothing short of an inspiration!  After finding out she had cancer, she has finished her bachelor's degree while working full-time.  She and my brother became the proud parents of an absolutely gorgeous daughter, Jillian who is now four months old AND GET THIS......Kim is receiving her Masters Degree this next Saturday.  See, I told you she was an inspiration!!!!  She is still battling but she is also an incredible example of  living her life to the fullest!   The Big C sure isn't slowing her down!!!!!  :)

My Uncle David battled pancreatic cancer for two years before succombing to this absolutely horrible cancer.  In spite of everything he endured, I never saw him frown.  Not once.  He was so sick for so long but never refused visitors and always had a smile on his face, even knowing what he was facing.

All of these very special people who are/were so instrumental and important parts in my life have all been affected by cancer.  I know that I am not the first and probably won't be the last.  I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to love them, share their struggles with them and learn from them.   They have all helped prepared me for tTHIS moment in my life and the challenges that I am currently facing.   I know that Missy, Sam and Uncle David are with me in spirit and helping to guide me.   Jeffery and Kim are both here to help keep me in the present and help me to remember to live one precious day at a time.    And what a truly fabulous day it is!!!

Now, I am going to get a good night's sleep in my own "comfty" bed.   :)   Moonbeam love to you all!!!!!

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