Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and Surgery! :)

Well, today is THE day that we leave for Houston for my surgery.  We will be leaving in an hour or so.  (big sigh)   I have to admit that my anxiety level is increased this where is that xanax????  I pray and cry every five minutes or so it seems and probably will continue to do so all day.   And for those of you who know about the colon cleanout process.....well, let's just say I will be occupied in another sense for the rest of the day too, but we won't get into that here.

I think the absolute hardest thing for me to do is to leave Jared during this week.  I love him so much.  I want to protect him and make sure that he is okay with all of this cancer stuff.  I have given him extra hugs and kisses and I love you's.  He knows in his heart that I love him with all of mine.  Hopefully, that will help to ease his own fears about this process we are about to go through.

We put our Christmas tree up last night.  All the while, we listened to and sang along to Christmas songs, drank hot chocolate using my precious Aunt Phyllis's recipe.   Bruce Springsteen's "Santa Claus is coming to town" really got us in the Christmas tree trimming mood, let me tell you!!  

Afterwards, we met my beautiful sister, Anita Kay downtown for the Christmas parade and fireworks.  That was fun.  Jared was grinning from ear to ear.  We then came home and I cooked Jared his favorite supper-time meal of which included pancakes, sausage and scrambled eggs.  He loves to have breakfast for supper.  :)

We had a GREAT Saturday!!!  Now, it is "get down to business" time.  Thank you to Denny (Danita), Jeff and Misty and Aunt Anita Kay and Uncle Dody for taking care of Jared this week for me.  I love you all and appreciate it greatly!  

Gonna hit the road in just a bit.  Thank you all for your prayers.....keem 'em coming.   I am putting my faith and trust in God that HE will take care of me and protect me, Jared and my family throughout this week and with the rest of my journey.   Moonbeam love to you all!!!!  


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